Morgan Composting Products


At H & H Excavating LLC, we are proud to be the area’s distributor for Morgan Composting products, including bulk DairyDoo® Compost and Blended Topsoil. Bulk items are also available in bags along with VeggieDoo®, FlowerDoo®, Tree’nShrub®, and Smokin Tomato®. We even have liquid fertilizers. 

DAIRY DOO® is a line of organic and sustainable products that focus on soil health! To improve the flavor of your vegetables, the vibrancy of your blooms, the green of your grass, or the yield on your fruit trees, you have to start with healthy soils. DAIRY DOO® is full of good biology to bring your soils back to life! Grow the way Mother Nature intended and you'll have healthier plants that are more resistant to disease, pests, and drought. Learn more about the full line of DAIRY DOO products here.
DAIRY DOO all began when Brad Morgan, at that time a dairy farmer, had a manure problem on his
farm. He dove into the problem and came up with a solution: by creating a designer compost with very specific ingredients, he could turn waste products into amendments, potting soils, and fertilizers that could improve soil health and our environment. Meet Brad and take a tour of the DAIRY DOO operation at Morgan Composting here.


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Dairy Doo
Organic Soil Amendment
Use DAIRY DOO, the original compost blend, to fully activate the health of your plants and heal your soil.
Seed Starter 101
Organic Potting Soil
Control your plant’s life cycle and grow the most delicate seeds with Seed Starter 101. It’s also great for lawn patching!
FlowerDoo 201
Organic Potting Soil
Grow lovely blooms in any container with the help of FlowerDoo 201. These are perfect for a flower bed or hanging basket.
VeggieDoo 301
Organic Potting Soil
VeggieDoo 301 ensures your vegetables grow well and rich in nutrients.
Tree’nShrub Mix
Organic Potting Soil
Tree’nShrub Mix will help you grow large and impressive trees & shrubs with ease.
Topsoil Blend
Soil Powered By Dairy Doo®-
Affordable and easy to use, the Topsoil Blend is perfect for many landscaping applications.
Healthy Garden 7-6-5 5%Ca
Organic Granulated Fertilizer
Healthy Garden 7-6-5 5%Ca is an all-natural, organic fertilizer that will keep your plants (and you) healthy.
Safe Green Lawn 10-0-4 .5%Ca
Organic Granulated Fertilizer
If safety is a concern for your children and pets, we can provide this safe and organic lawn fertilizer. 
All-Purpose 8-4-4
Granulated Fertilizer Powered By Dairy Doo®
This is an all-purpose fertilizer that can be used for any outdoor growing project, from your lawn to your garden and beyond.
BloomBlaster 4-18-4
Liquid Flower Food
BloomBlaster 4-18-4 will keep your flowers blooming beautifully all summer long.
VeggieBlaster 8-1-8
Liquid Vegetable Food
Give your vegetable plants a boost with this effective fertilizer.
TurfBlaster 11-0-5
Liquid Fertilizer
Create a vibrant, healthy lawn with the help of this fertilizer.
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